I know there are years when we go through the Christmas season in a rush, or a funk, or a blur. This year I was contemplating the question, “What if Jesus had chosen not to come?” “What if He had left us in the darkness?” We look all around and see the impact of the darkest evil on peoples’ lives. It can make our hearts heavy with sadness. But He did come. To that I say “Hallelujah!”

I glimpsed a young boy with Down’s Syndrome behind me in church the other day. He is often very active. This day he was motionless as his father kissed him on the cheek. His face was alight with the most beautiful smile as he stayed perfectly still—way beyond the limits of what would be considered a reasonable time for a kiss.

What if we allowed Jesus to kiss us like that? Could we be perfectly still, allowing Jesus to just love on us? Would we be? Perhaps we would feel the Father’s love in a new way, consumed by a deeper sense of connection. Perhaps it would make Jesus glad that He came into our world.

What do you think?

Blessings this day,


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